Monday, July 21, 2008

Why do I need to mix my music?

It's evident in today's competitive market place in order to stand out you must invest in yourself!Alot of artist are falling to the way side due to the fact they would rather buy some kicks or go to the club instead of paying for the necessary investments to improve their music.Quality is everything, it represents you and your music.Without it you will just sound like every other musician that doesn't care with the same" I do it myself mentality".I suggest please if you are serious enough and want to make music a long-term career don't skip on the most important part which is post-post production ( i.e mixing and mastering ).

A Few tips on mixing:

1.When listening to music listen compare the quality of yours to any major release.This is your competition not the people at the bottom it's the people at the top.And if they are getting their projects mixed and or mastered why shouldn't you?

2.Have an engineer or producer with a trained ear and technical skill tweak your music! PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS YOUR SELF!

Check any major album it always has a specific engineer for every track done that mixed it.Do you think Jay or Nas know how to EQ? No, let the engineer do his job that's why he's there. <---- Your personal engineer when in need.

3.Make sure when you dealing with different studio's to hear the quality they produce along with the price.There are plenty of recording facility's and with the over abundance of "poor quality studios" they set a price that consumer's get use to.It's sad to say but rappers want to cut corners with everything. But you CANNOT put a price on your music! Quantity and Quality you cannot compare.It's like going downtown and seeing an official Polo compared to a bootleg one.Yeah, they both look the same but wash it a couple times and what do you have? The quality shirt is a little more but it will last you longer.Ultimately it just boils down in life how bad you want something and if your in the music industry people will only take you as serious as you take yourself bottom line.

-Ja Mix House Engineer

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Mix House,LLC

Mix House,LLC
Mixing and Mastering

About Me

The Mix House, LLC was established in January of 08’. Mix House’s main focus is to improve the quality of independent music along with educating artists on the value of having your project mixed and or mastered. We believe that having certified sound engineers on your project is essential for your music to stand out in today’s competitive market. A lot of artists have the potential to become great but it takes the knowledge and dedication to stand out from the rest and take your music to another level. Mixing and or mastering is the MOST IMPORTANT part of post-production for any genre of music. So why not get it done by the best?