Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My personal take on the music industry

This is Ja from the Mix House,LLC. I have alot of mixed feelings as far as music in today's time.We have alot more freedom due to the fact anyone now can have a recording facility.It only takes about $3,000-$5,000.00 to have a decent set up. Set aside the main topic of discussion though is the QUALITY.Why do so many artist want to do it them selves? Is it the lack of drive to actually go out and work for something to get it? Or is it the same lame excuse I DON'T HAVE MONEY ( But you have fresh Jordans on your feet weekly).What ever the case be it's a reflection of you and your music.I feel as though people will only take you as serious as you take yourself.Many serious artist know the importance of having their music properly mixed and or mastered.But it hurts to know that our generation want shorts and cut corners to get ahead.If it was that easy everybody would just be at the top without the grind. IT'S NOT! Do you really think that your the only person with money issues? Get up and grind for yours till you get that budget! Get Management or a team that believes in you and split it! It's ways to go around doing whats is necessary to set you apart from the competition.Bottom line people want to hear quality and trust me you would too.It's too many people recording with clips,pops,discortion ect SET YOUR SELF ASIDE FROM THE REST!


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Mix House,LLC

Mix House,LLC
Mixing and Mastering

About Me

The Mix House, LLC was established in January of 08’. Mix House’s main focus is to improve the quality of independent music along with educating artists on the value of having your project mixed and or mastered. We believe that having certified sound engineers on your project is essential for your music to stand out in today’s competitive market. A lot of artists have the potential to become great but it takes the knowledge and dedication to stand out from the rest and take your music to another level. Mixing and or mastering is the MOST IMPORTANT part of post-production for any genre of music. So why not get it done by the best?